In the Service and Maintenance Division of Propak, based on our experience and expertise, we have established a complete parts warehouse for the storage and delivery of high-consumption parts. Therefore, after registering your required part request, it will be quickly supplied. Additionally, our collaboration with reputable logistics companies ensures peace of mind in expediting the delivery of your goods.

Soon, the option to order parts online via the website will be launched, allowing you to easily place an order by entering the part code. Once the part delivery process is finally confirmed, it will commence and be fully traceable.

Furthermore, the new machines from Propak are equipped with industrial modems and have the capability to connect to devices, subject to your access approval. We can identify and analyze the issues with your machine and provide necessary guidance for their resolution. This capability can include guidance on settings, troubleshooting, and machine maintenance. By utilizing IoT technology, your need for the physical presence of technical experts on-site will be significantly reduced.

Through this communication, you can easily and quickly address and resolve your problems, ultimately leading to time and cost savings.